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There is a Client class to instantiate that has methods to access the various supported DraftKings endpoints.

It can be imported directly from the draft_kings module.

from draft_kings import Client


Various enum values are returned as part of the result set for API methods or as inputs for various API methods.

They are imported from the data path.

from import Sport


Represents the various sports that DraftKings has contests for, like the NFL, MLB, and NBA


Data is returned as custom objects (and more specifically, instances of custom Classes that utilize the dataclasses module - which is why this project relies on Python 3.7+).

The returned objects are (effectively) immutable via dataclasses's frozen property.

While immutability is just one reason behind using custom Classes, another benefit is making it easier to use this API with the type-hinting features introduced in Python 3.

Using Classes with defined types makes it (hopefully) much easier to discern what the (theoretically) expected type of any given field should be without having to print out some object.

The output objects are located in the draft_kings.output.objects module. There are sub-modules that correspond to each DraftKings endpoint.

Why is (pretty much) every field None-able / Optional ?

This is a pretty explicit design decision I made when modeling the output data objects.

Because I don't have any control of the shape of the data returned by the DraftKings endpoints, if DraftKings decides tomorrow to remove a field, I figured it would be better to return the field with a None value vs. raising some type of parsing / deserialization error.

So most of the fields will have the potential of a None value - however, there are some fields that are guaranteed to always have a non-None value.

Please check the appropriate Classes defined in the draft_kings.output.objects module if you would like to see the defined return types.


Contests For A Given Sport

from draft_kings import Sport, Client


Available Players For A Given Draft Group

from draft_kings import Client


Details For A Given Draft Group

from draft_kings import Client



from draft_kings import Client


Regions For A Given Country

from draft_kings import Client


Get Draftable Player / Match Up Informatiion For A Given Draft Group

from draft_kings import Client


Get Rules For A Game Type

from draft_kings import Client



To the best of my knowledge, I have not identified an endpoint that delivers data for a window of time.

So generally the usage pattern is something like

  • Use the contests method to get the set of contests for all the Sports you need data for
  • These Contests will have Draft Groups associated with them - for each of these Draft Groups, use the related APIs to get the information you desire
  • Depending on how frequently you need to display new information, you may need to repeat this set of operations as there does not seem to be a an endpoint to subscribe to new Contests or Draft Groups (or any type of data update, in general)